Perhaps a major motorcycle event looms on the horizon, prompting your desire to buy a motorcycle. Or maybe you’re a rider-beginner eager to kickstart your riding adventures. So, when precisely should you pull the trigger on a motorcycle purchase? The truth is, any… Continue reading Optimal Moment to Buy a Motorcycle
How to join a motorcycle club
Aspiring minds often grapple with the enigma encapsulated in questions like, “How to join a motorcycle club?” and “What does it take to be a part of the riding elite?” These inquiries don’t merely flutter in from the mail or… Continue reading How to join a motorcycle club
The Dynamic World of Dating a Biker
Much like any romantic liaison, there exist both merits and challenges tethered to dating an individual whose fervor involves leather-clad escapades, resonating engines, and the wind tousling through their hair. In this exploration, we will delve into the distinctive pros… Continue reading The Dynamic World of Dating a Biker
Rules and etiquette of motorcycle group rides
Group rides are a fantastic perk for the biker community. They are thrilling and fun, but in order for them to be safe, you need to know certain group riding rules and general moto etiquette. Group motorcycle riding rules Choosing… Continue reading Rules and etiquette of motorcycle group rides
Mutual assistance among bikers
We’ve built a real biker community here, a “tribe”, you could say – brothers and sisters in arms, or rather, in bikes. So, what distinguishes a true biker from an ordinary motorcycle owner? An everyday motorcyclist sees their bike as… Continue reading Mutual assistance among bikers
Closed motorcycle clubs
Most often people in such a community are not united by motorcycles but by separate interests that are not even remotely related to biker life. Information about the members of such clubs, places of meetups and other information is strictly… Continue reading Closed motorcycle clubs
How to overcome fear after a motorcycle accident
Experienced bikers claim that life is divided into “before” and “after” from the moment they get their first bike. Psychologists say that, in fact, it is divided into before/after an accident. Falling off a motorcycle definitely is a very unpleasant… Continue reading How to overcome fear after a motorcycle accident
Bikers’ Superstitions and Signs
Bikers can be put into a special category: people who relax on the road, love fast driving and their bikes. It is not surprising that those whose work or hobbies are associated with increased risk subconsciously rely on the help… Continue reading Bikers’ Superstitions and Signs
7 ways how blockchain will affect our daily life in 2023
Today, in the FinTech space, blockchain is on everyone’s lips as financial institutions are eagerly trying to find practical ways to implement and use the technology to generate profits. Since blockchain is a key technology…
DIY motorcycle repair
What a marvelous idea if you already have experience repairing your bike and know how to approach it! But what if you don’t? You can’t just give up on your bike because of that! In our large-scale CryptoMoto application for… Continue reading DIY motorcycle repair
How to prevent motorcycle theft
However, the ways of motorcycle theft are much more versatile. To steal a car, first, you need to get in. It, at least, requires breaking the lock or squeezing out the glass. Throwing a driver out of a car is… Continue reading How to prevent motorcycle theft
Biker fests
It is fairly straightforward – the first documented rally in the Florida city of Daytona Beach was held in March 1937, while the rally in Sturgis, South Dakota, was launched only in 1938, meaning Daytona biker’s week is clearly older… Continue reading Biker fests
Communication and mutual assistance of bikers on the road
It is customary to greet each other on the road in the biker’s world. In some cases, a greeting is mandatory. So, to avoid conflicts or awkward situations, I urge you to read and remember the…